Note: For the most up-to-date listing, see my Google Scholar page.
Y Gao, RDC Barajas-Ornelas, JD Amon, FH Ramírez-Guadiana, A Alon, KP Brock, DS Marks, AC Kruse, DZ Rudner. "The SpoVA membrane complex is required for dipicolinic acid import during sporulation and export during germination." Genes and Development, May 2022.
M Veling, D Nguyen, N Thadani, M Oster, NJ Rollins, KP Brock, NP Bethel, S Lim, D Baker, J Way, DS Marks, RL Chang, PA Silver. "Natural and Designed Proteins Inspired by Extremotolerant Organisms Can Form Condensates and Attenuate Apoptosis in Human Cells." ACS Synth Bio, February 2022.
SC Erlandson, S Rawson, KP Brock, X Liu, JA Paulo, J Mintseris, SP Gygi, DS Marks, X Cong, AC Kruse. "The relaxin receptor RXFP1 signals through a mechanism of autoinhibition." bioRxiv, January 2022.
N Akyuz, KD Karavitaki, B Pan, PI Tamvakologos, KP Brock, Y Li, DS Marks, DP Corey. "Mechanical gating of the auditory transduction channel TMC1 involves the fourth and sixth transmembrane helices." bioRxiv, January 2022.
L Artzi, A Alon, KP Brock, AG Green, A Tam, FH Ramírez-Guadiana, D Marks, A Kruse, D Rudner. "Dormant spores sense amino acids through the B subunits of their germination receptors." Nature Communications, November 2021.
J Frazer, P Notin, M Dias, A Gomez, JK Min, K Brock, Y Gal, DS Marks. "Disease variant prediction with deep generative models of evolutionary data." Nature, November 2021.
AG Green, H Elhabashy, KP Brock, R Maddamsetti, O Kohlbacher, DS Marks. “Large-scale discovery of protein interactions at residue resolution using co-evolution calculated from genomic sequences.” Nature Communications, March 2021.
M Sjodt, PDA Rohs, MSA Gilman, SC Erlandson, S Zheng, AG Green, KP Brock, A Taguchi, D Kahne, S Walker, DS Marks, DZ Rudner, TG Bernhardt, AC Kruse. "Structural coordination of polymerization and crosslinking by a SEDS–bPBP peptidoglycan synthase complex." Nature Microbiology, June 2020.
MA Stiffler, FJ Poelwijk, KP Brock, RR Stein, A Riesselman, J Teyra, SS Sidhu, DS Marks, NP Gauthier, C Sander."Protein structure from experimental evolution." Cell Systems, December 2019.
D Sala, YJ Huang, CA Cole, DA Snyder, G Liu, Y Ishida, GVT Swapna, KP Brock, C Sander, K Fidelis, A Kryshtafovych, M Inouye, R Tejero, H Valafar, A Rosato, GT Montelione. "Protein structure prediction assisted with sparse NMR data in CASP13." Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, December 2019.
NJ Rollins*, KP Brock*, FJ Poelwijk*, MA Stiffler, NP Gauthier, C Sander, DS Marks. “Inferring protein 3D from deep mutation scans.” Nature Genetics, June 2019.
YJ Huang, KP Brock, Y Ishida, GVT Swapna, M Inouye, C Sander, DS Marks, GT Montelione. “Combining evolutionary covariance and NMR data for protein structure determination.” Methods in Enzymology, January 2019.
X Sui, H Arlt, KP Brock, Z Lai, F DiMaio, DS Marks, M Liao, R Farese Jr., T Walther. “Cryo-electron microscopy structure of the lipid droplet-formation protein seipin.” Journal of Cell Biology, December 2018.
FH Ramírez-Guadiana, CDA Rodrigues, KA Marquis, N Campo, R del Carmen Barajas-Ornelas, KP Brock, DS Marks, AC Kruse, DZ Rudner. “Evidence that regulation of intramembrane proteolysis is mediated by substrate gating during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis.” PLOS Genetics, November 2018.
TA Hopf, AG Green, B Schubert, S Mersmann, JB Ingraham, CPI Schärfe, A Toth-Petroczy, K Brock, A Riesselman, C Kang, C Dallago, C Sander, DS Marks. “The EVcouplings Python framework for coevolutionary sequence analysis.” Bioinformatics, May 2019.
YJ Huang, KP Brock, C Sander, DS Marks, GT Montelione. "A hybrid approach for protein structure determination combining sparse NMR with evolutionary coupling sequence data." Integrative Structural Biology with Hybrid Methods, p. 153-169, January 2019.
S Zheng, LT Sham, FA Rubino, KP Brock, WP Robins, JJ Mekalanos, DS Marks, TG Bernhardt, AC Kruse. “Structure and mutagenic analysis of the lipid II flippase MurJ from Escherichia coli.” PNAS, June 2018.
M Sjodt, K Brock, G Dobihal, PDA Rohs, AG Green, TA Hopf, AJ Meeske, V Srisuknimit, D Kahne, S Walker, DS Marks, TG Bernhardt, DZ Rudner, AC Kruse. “Structure of the peptidoglycan polymerase RodA resolved by evolutionary coupling analysis.” Nature. Vol 556, 118–121. 5 April 2018.
KP Brock. "Protein structure and interaction under environmental stress: from quality control recognition to evolution of collective behavior." MIT Doctoral Dissertation, 2016.
KP Brock, A Abraham, T Amen, D Kaganovich, J England. “Structural basis for modulation of quality control fate in a marginally stable protein.” Structure. Vol. 23, Issue 7, 1169-1178. 7 July 2015.
KP Brock*, K Talley*, K Coley*, P Kundrotas, E Alexov. “Optimization of electrostatic interactions in protein-protein complexes.” Biophysical Journal, Volume 93, Issue 10, 3340 - 3352. 15 November 2007.
* Joint First Author